
Hi there!! ^^

I've been very busy these days. Test and reports makes me crazy. These drives me crazy. But soon, spring vacation will start, so I'm very happy. I'm thinking about what I'm going to do. I like to read books, so please tell me if you have some. I'm looking some books which are very good to read.Of course, English books!!! ^^



Unpleasant Weather! ~ Nature is important.~

It's rainy today!! I've got up at noon and when I looked outside, some birds were flying with wet wings. It made me sad.
On the other hand, air was very fresh. Moss was growing on the ground. Although moss and birds are such a small creatures, I think we should cherish these in order to maintain good nature. Nature is important!!



Time to go to school!!!

My school has started! I was really excited to go to school because I can meet some of my friends. Today, I got all English classes.
One bad thing about my school is about the exam. I'm really worry about the exam. I don't want to take exam, but I have to, so I'll do my best. ^^



New Year's Greeting. ^^

Happy New Year!!! ^^
2009 has just started!! This year, I will study English and other languages very hard to master these communication skills. What is your goal for this year??
I hope you'll have a wonderful year!! :-)
あけましておめでとうございます!!! ^^
あなたにとって今年度(こんねんど)が素晴らしい年(とし)でありますように!! :-)


Hello!! ^^ My name is Taka and I'm 18 years old university student. My hobbies are playing golf listening to western music and so on. I really like learning English. Sometimes, I'm thinking about becoming an English teacher or Japanese teacher, so I'm studying very hard.
I will write more blogs from now on, so please visit and have a look at my page. Thank you~~! :-)


I hope my page will very useful for foreigners whose learning Japanese! ^^